This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Friday, May 24, 2019

IES RAFAEL ALBERTI ACTIVITY FOR PROJECT ERASMUS+ “Environment and Sustainability: Understand, Care Act “

One of the activities developed for the projet Erasmus+ “Environment and Sustainability: Understand, Care Act “ by the students and teachers in The IES Rafael Alberti in Cádiz( Spain) was a hiking to the Natural Park. During the hiking along the mashes students and teachers collected trash brought to the natural área by the tides.

The first week in May, students from the 1st and 2nd Secondary Classrooms of the ESO of the Secondary School Rafael Alberti de Cádiz carried out a garbage collection in the area of the Santibáñez recreational area and on the path that runs parallel to the railway from Cádiz to San Fernando. The rail way runs throw the mashes.

The students of the IES Rafael Alberti participated during the morning in the “trash gathering”. More than four square meters of garbage was collected. 

The plastic bottle has been the most representative waste among other different types of materials.

This activity is framed within the European Erasmus + project on the protection and sustainability of the environment called "Environment and Sustainability: Understand, Care, Act!", In which the IES Rafael Alberti participates in collaboration with three other European schools: the Gymnasium Ernestium from Celle in Germany, the Scoala Gymnaziala from Gimbav in Romania and the Platania Gymnasium from Crete in Greece.

The students of the IES Rafael ALberti hope that this type of activities will promote awareness among the citizens when it comes to recognizing the importance of collaborating in the tasks of collecting garbage from these types of places and making the planet, in general, and the Bay of Cádiz, in particular, a more livable and sustainable place.

The activity appeared in different local and regional media. Here are the links to the news.

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