This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The impact of plastic and other waste - Meeting No 2 - Ghimbav Romania

In May 9 students from Creete, 9 students from Cadiz and 9 students from Celle went on a journey to Ghimbav in Romania at the foot of the Capathian mountains.

All students in Brasov

On day one we conducted a students conference on the importance of the 3R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Students informed each other in different presentations with the help of small film-clips, photos and artefacts about
a) types of waste, negative impact that it has on the environment and animal habitat; the need of an efficient waste management,
b) plastic: classification and composition, effects on the environment and health.
presenting activities at the students conference
c) waste management systems in the different countries.
This was especially interesting. Students found out that the waste disposal systems vary a lot in the different countries. This was a topic students discussed during the whole LTT.

Special topics microplastic: Students brought their shampoos and investigated the ingredients, finding out if the products contain microplastic. Students learned how to identify microplastic in products (using either a list on paper or various apps for mobile phones), they now know how they can avoid product containing microplastic.

Students also presented the activites which they had already done in their countries in regards to the topic. Learners got many new ideas on what they can do in their own countries in order to raise more awareness and to reduce waste production.

Day 2: 

Learning about bears
The group visited the LIBEARty Sanctuary, the first bear sanctuary in Romania, where bears tfreed from captivity live a natural, peaceful and free life under the protection of the non-govermental organisation. Students learned a lot about bears in the Capathian mountains, they saw bears on a short hike and they learned a lot about the problems for bears caused by garbage. These problems were shown to the students in an interactive presentation.
Finding out about captivity
Collecting waste - clean-up activity
Students got involved in a clean-up action together with the sanctuary - workers. They collected all waste in the vicinity so that it cannot affect the bears. Students realized how important it is to reduce waste and have an efficient waste management for all animals.
Castle Bran - Home of Dracula

Cultural activity: Visit of Bran castle which is said to be the place where Dracula lived. Students learned about the historical background for the Dracula novel and about the legend that evolved around it.

Day 3:
Exploring the environment
Students went into the mountains - going up to 1600m by cable car they first hiked along the mountain ridge to a mountain cabin. Along the way they observed nature and also concentrated on impacts of waste in this beautiful area. In a workshop in the cabin students created different pictures, collages from textile waste, plastic and used buttons and other used materials. In international groups they created pictures about what they learned in the past days and how they picture a world without environmental problems.
Working on a waste- collage
Students again learned a lot about the views, issues, ideas and fears in the partner counties/ for the partner students. In very lively discussions students had to agree on topics that they wanted to show on their posters and they had to agree how to present them. Beautiful and also meaningful collages were the result, they are exhibited in the school in Ghimbav.
The activity ended by hiking down the mountains to the valley through wonderful nature.

What a wonderful project meeting. Students enjoyed Romanian hospitality and found many new friends.
Thanks a lot for the wonderful time!
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